Mutual interaction and cooperation. Reasonable expectations and keeping promises.

Equal opportunities for creative expression. Art for everyone in Lithuania.

Sustainable change and positive impact.

Openness and communication. Promoting inclusion, reducing exclusion.

New forms of expression. Old forms of expressions. Experiment. Tradition. Any.

Education and art synergy. Knowledge, skills and critical engagement.
To implement cultural policy by financing and analysing art and cultural processes.


Development and promotion of disciplines of art
Funding of literature, music, performing arts, applied and visual arts projects.

Implementation of cultural programmes
- 3 large programme groups (Strategic Funding, Sustainable Regional Cultural Development, and Memory Institutions);
- 3 smaller programmes (Culture and Creative Industries, Creative Community Initiatives, Memory Actualisation and Civic Education);
- 9 separate programmes (the largest of them: Protection of Copyright and Related Rights, Ethnic Culture and Intangible Cultural Heritage, Education Through Culture).

Awarding grants for creators
Awarding individual, mobility, and emerging grants to creators.

Cultural research and analysis
The LCC implements the three-year research plan approved by the Ministry of Culture, organises, coordinates and carries out multiple analyses of internal activities and processes per year as well as closely monitors the sector of arts and culture.

The LCC on its own initiative and in response to requests, provides expert advice on cultural policy issues, evaluates applications, and decides on funding, by engaging a network of more than 300 arts professionals and cultural experts each year: the LCC’s assembly of members, assesors in the pool of peers of the LCC, the members of the Regional Councils for Culture and external experts.

Administration and consulting
On average, the LCC receives up to 7,000 project and grant applications per year, funds more than a third of them, provides regular advice to applicants on how to submit ideas, and participates in expert working groups outside the institution. Each year the LCC administers an average of 2,700 funded projects of organisations and grants awarded.