
Division of Administration of Funding Measures

Rūta Kriaučiūnaitė-Mincė

Rūta Kriaučiūnaitė-Mincė

Chief of the Division

+370 682 94 394

Working hours:
I–IV: 8.30–16.00
V:     8.30–14.15
Lunch break: 12.00–12.45

Organisation and management of the activities of the Division, dealing with queries relating to its functions and activities.

Laura Antonovičė

Laura Antonovičė


+ 370 620 96 323

Working hours:
I–IV: 8.00–17.00
V:     8.00–15.45
Lunch break: 12.00–12.45

Development of a culture of education; coordination of the administration of projects and grants.

Rita Obukaitė

Rita Obukaitė


+ 370 687 08 307

Working hours:
I–IV: 8.00–17.00
V:     8.00–15.45
Lunch break: 12.00–12.45

Balanced Regional Growth: Alytus County; coordination of the administrative processes of the programme “Balanced Regional Growth”.

Nelda Bagdonavičiūtė

Nelda Bagdonavičiūtė

Senior Specialist

+ 370 620 46 634

Working hours:
I–IV: 8.00–17.00
V:     8.00–15.45
Lunch break: 12.00–12.45

Grants for circus, ethnic culture, music and dance.

Asta Mockutė

Asta Mockutė

Senior Specialist

+ 370 687 60 096

Working hours:
I–IV: 8.00–17.00
V:     8.00–15.45
Lunch break: 12.00–12.45

Architecture, design, literature and theatre grants.

Dominika Novickienė

Dominika Novickienė

Senior Specialist

+370 687 61 092

Working hours:
I–IV: 8.00–17.00
V:     8.00–15.45
Lunch break: 12.00–12.45

Fellowships for memory institutions, fine arts, photography and interdisciplinary art.

Vaida Jonušytė

Vaida Jonušytė

Senior Specialist

+370 615 92 034

Working hours:
I–IV: 8.00–17.00
V:     8.00–15.45
Lunch break: 12.00–12.45

Dissemination of Global Lithuania ideas, strategic funding of amateur art, international and national events.

Lina Rakštikienė

Lina Rakštikienė

Senior Specialist

+ 370 687 62 819

Working hours:
I–IV: 8.00–17.00
V:     7.00–14.30
Lunch break: 12.00–12.45

Art for human well-being, national pavilions at the Venice Biennale, strategic funding for cultural and artistic organisations.

Lina Lagunavičienė

Lina Lagunavičienė

Senior Specialist

+ 370 698 26 657

Working hours:
I, III: 7.00–17.00
II, IV: 8.00–15.45
V:     7.30–15.45
Lunch break: 12.00–12.45

Literature, visual arts.

Dovilė Miliukštė

Dovilė Miliukštė

Senior Specialist

+370 687 65 464

Working hours:
I–IV: 8.00–17.00
V:     8.00–15.45
Lunch break: 12.00–12.45

Ethnic culture and intangible cultural heritage, creative community initiatives, applied arts, networking.

Lina Žilytė

Lina Žilytė

Senior Specialist

+ 370 612 65 908

Working hours:
I–IV: 8.00–17.00
V:     8.00–15.45
Lunch break: 12.00–12.45

Protection of copyright and related rights, promotion of professional performing arts, performing arts.

Dalė Šklėrienė

Dalė Šklėrienė

Senior Specialist

+ 370 686 22 774

Working hours:
I–IV: 8.00–17.00
V:     8.00–15.45
Lunch break: 12.00–12.45

Activities of memory institutions, music (excluding scholarships), international calls in the performing arts.

Živilė Gapšienė

Živilė Gapšienė

Senior Specialist

+370 620 90605

Working hours:
I–IV: 8.00–17.00
V:     8.00–15.45
Lunch break: 12.00–12.45

Balanced Regional Growth: Panevėžys, Kaunas and Vilnius counties.

Ramunė Stakutė

Ramunė Stakutė

Senior Specialist

+370 687 65 947

Working hours:
I–IV: 8.00–17.00
V:     8.00–15.45
Lunch break: 12.00–12.45

Balanced Regional Growth: Klaipėda, Šiauliai and Telšiai counties; Baltic Culture Fund.

Giljana Mažeikienė

Giljana Mažeikienė

Senior Specialist

+370 687 61 619

Working hours:
I–IV: 8.00–17.00
V:     8.00–15.45
Lunch break: 12.00–12.45

Balanced Regional Growth: Marijampolė, Tauragė and Utena counties.

Gintarė Gavėnaitė-Montvilienė

Gintarė Gavėnaitė-Montvilienė

Senior Specialist

Special leave.

Aneta Kairis

Aneta Kairis

Senior Specialist

Special leave.

Division of Planning of Funding Measures

 Aleksandra Chackevičiūtė

Aleksandra Chackevičiūtė

Chief of the Division

+ 370 620 32 015

Working hours:
I–IV: 8.00–17.00
V:     8.00–15.45
Lunch break: 12.00–12.45

Organisation of the Division's activities and management of the related processes.

Greta Šuminė

Greta Šuminė

Senior Specialist

+370 687 03 720

Working hours:
I–IV: 8.45–16.30
V: 8.45–12.45 (without lunch break)
Lunch break: 12.00–12.45

Coordination of administrative regulation.


Asta Pakarklytė

Asta Pakarklytė


+ 370 682 96 387

Working hours:
I–IV: 9.00–18.00
V:     9.00–16.45
Lunch break: 12.00–12.45

Management of the meeting of the Assembly of the Lithuanian Council for Culture's and administration.

Rūta Stepanovaitė

Rūta Stepanovaitė

Director of Administration

+ 370 687 75 323

Working hours:
I–IV: 8.00–17.00
V:     8.00–15.45
Lunch break: 12.00–12.45

Planning, monitoring and analysis of the institution's resources and activities, human resources management, public procurement, projects implemented by the Lithuanian Council for Culture.

Gerda Leonavičienė

Gerda Leonavičienė

Senior Advisor

+ 370 686 41 072

Working hours:
I–IV: 8.00–17.00
V:     8.00–15.45
Lunch break: 12.00–12.45

Law and administrative regulation.

Dalia Neverdauskienė

Dalia Neverdauskienė

Senior Advisor

+370 686 75793

Working hours:
I–IV: 8.30–17.30
V:     8.30–16.15
Lunch break: 12.15–13.00

Organisation of the work of the Lithuanian Council for Culture, coordination of the processes of selecting pool of peers and setting up working groups, and ensuring a corruption-proof environment.

Rasa Dereškevičienė

Rasa Dereškevičienė

Advisor to the Director of Administration

+370 615 30614

Working hours:
I–IV: 8.00–17.00
V:     8.00–15.45
Lunch break: 12.00–12.45

Human resources management, recruitment, employer branding, employee development and appraisal, organisational culture development, customer experience management and internal communication coordination.

Karolina Bagdonė

Karolina Bagdonė

Public Relations Coordinator

+ 370 612 86 780

Working hours:
I, II, IV: 8.00–17.00
III:     9.00–18.00
V: 9.00–16.45
Lunch break: 12.00–12.45

Public and media relations, development and implementation of a communication strategy, organisation of events, development of the Kultūros ritmas podcast, creation and administration of website content, public reporting.

Lina Kukytė

Lina Kukytė

Public Information Specialist

Working hours:
Individual working hours

Development and implementation of a communication strategy, management of social media, administration of websites, creating digital and visual content, enhancement of employer branding and building of a cultural community.

Nedas Šideika

Nedas Šideika

General Affairs Coordinator

+ 370 687 63 988

Working hours:
I–IV: 8.00–17.00
V:     8.00–15.45
Lunch break: 12.00–12.45

Administration, development and maintenance of IT and information systems, troubleshooting and operation, safety and training, asset accounting and maintenance.

Jolanta Maceikienė

Jolanta Maceikienė

Public Procurement Coordinator

+370 661 81 787

Working hours:
I–IV: 7.00–16.00
V:     7.00–14.45
Lunch break: 11.30–12.15

Coordination of public procurement: planning, execution and documentation, preparation of annual plans, procurement accounting, provision of information and administration of the various systems related to public procurement.

Saulė Milkevičiūtė

Saulė Milkevičiūtė


+ 370 618 21 460

Working hours:
I–IV: 8.00–17.00
V:     8.00–15.45
Lunch break: 12.00–12.45

Coordination of documents and correspondence, administration of the DBSIS, advice to applicants, and organisation of document management.

Division of Monitoring and Analysis

Radvilė Maskuliūnaitė

Radvilė Maskuliūnaitė

Acting Chief of the Division of Monitoring and Analysis

+ 370 687 66 401

Working hours:
I–IV: 8.00–17.00
V:     8.00–15.45
Lunch break: 12.00–12.45

Planning and organisation of the work of the Division, advising on issues related to the Division's activities, monitoring and analysing cultural and artistic processes and projects funded by the Lithuanian Council for Culture, organisation, conduct and supervision of the Council's research, calculation and analysis of the quotas for calls in the field.

Marija Pečiulytė

Marija Pečiulytė


+ 370 687 64 978

Working hours:
I–IV: 8.00–17.00
V:     8.00–15.45
Lunch break: 12.00–12.45

Development and coordination of, preparation of cultural statistics and indicators of the Lithuanian Council for Culture, organisation, execution and supervision of cultural research, advisor and deputy to the Head of the Division.

Martynas Tininis

Martynas Tininis

Senior Analyst

+ 370 687 63 357

Working hours:
I–IV: 7.00–16.00
V:     7.00–14.45
Lunch break: 11.30–12.15

Grant statistics, calculations, studies and analyses of their calls and quotas for the “Balanced Regional Growth” programme.

Gytis Straševičius

Gytis Straševičius


+370 690 09 129

Working hours:
I–IV: 9.00–18.00
V: 9.00–16.45
Lunch break: 12.00–12.45

Monitoring of projects funded by the Lithuanian Council for Culture, analyses and presentations, implementation of studies, management and systematisation of data, development of methodologies for calculating cultural indicators.

Division of Finance, Accounting, and Reporting

Eglė Launikonienė

Eglė Launikonienė

Acting Head of Division

+ 370 698 15 782

Working hours:
I–IV:  7.00–16.00
V:      7.00–14.45
Lunch break: 12.00–12.45

Organisation of the work of the Division, organisation and maintenance of financial and accounting records and control of the use of funds.

Larisa Junevičienė

Larisa Junevičienė


+370 616 20369

Working hours:
I, II, IV: 7.00–16.00
III: 8.00–17.00
V: 8.00–15.45
Lunch break: 12.00–12.45

Settlements with project promoters, verification of financial statements of funded projects.

Ana Čižienė

Ana Čižienė


Special leave.

Project "Design Wings"

Gabija Vanagė

Gabija Vanagė

Project Manager

+ 370 615 44 867

Working hours:
I–IV: 8.00–17.00
V:     8.00–15.45
Lunch break: 12.00–12.45

Management the Design Wings project.

Karolina Kažukauskaitė

Karolina Kažukauskaitė

Communication Manager

+370 699 04 011

Working hours:
Individualus darbo grafikas

Dissemination of the Design Wings project.

Edvinas Binderis

Edvinas Binderis


+370 682 89 088

Working hours:
Individualus darbo grafikas

Graphic design solutions for Design Wings project.

Information updated:

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